WIP 002: Why Twitter Trumps it.

The one place on the internet you can make friends by being entirely yourself.

Nicaia Dsouza
5 min readFeb 23, 2022
The bird app? Why another social medium?

I’ve advocated for people to join twitter for only forever.
I see literally no downside to being on the platform, apart from maybe if you decide you’re the kind of person that wants to engage with political opinions on it.

Here’s what I’ll give away in this one though.

If you’ve had an account for a while, and dont know how to get kickstarted OR If you dont have an account, and just dont see the value in it yet — I’ll tell you how to get started, and what you gotta do.

Ready for them tips? Yes? Cool, let’s go. 🦅

1. Don’t engage with politics. 🦺

I know politics has the tendency to really rile us all up, but more than being either an echo chamber, or a place to garner hate, I dont think Social Media changes anything much about engaging with it.
Unless you’re someone aiding people in some way at the time of a political crisis, dont bother.
I get it, we all “talk about” all of our political stances, but in Chet Faker’s most famous words, “Talk is Cheap my darling”.

2. Make friends. 👯‍♀️

After having been confined to our homes for the last three years, there’s reasons why the “Creator Economy” has boomed right at this very moment, but that’s something to ponder about in a different article.
Focus on wanting to find people you connect with — whether it’s someone who wrote about the background they come from, who makes art, or how they grew a mailing list — and that’s your pain point, go looking for those people.
At the WORST you know what’ll happen? They won’t engage with you. Imagine that.
It’s not even half as bad as irl, where you can be ridiculed for saying or believing something,
you can LITERALLY hide behind your screen.
And as someone who has a small following —
you have absolutely nothing to lose.

3. There’s never enough content. 🗺

In business and in content creation, there is LITERALLY never enough content.
No matter what you say, nothing is ever SO ORIGINAL that it has never been thought before.
So stop it with your stupid imposter syndrome, and get to it — just start sharing, if nothing else, you’ll find some friends you really, really vibe with.
If you’re feeling shy about creating your own content — here’s a thing none of you think, even your favourite creators, aren’t making NOVEL content, it’s just packaged differently.

Things aren’t new — but guess what, you can do them differently!

I’m no Harry Dry, so I won’t be able to give you a product by product comparison, but I think I know at least 10 examples in the back of my mind, if I think hard enough — of products that have changed our landscape, simply because they were different.

Think about it — ClubPenguin & Polly Pocket paved the way for today’s Gather Town & RPGs(role player games)probably(gamers dont come @me, I a noob). Hi5 paved the way for Facebook & Orkut, Myspace paved the way for literally all of streaming & the creator economy.

But with things diversifying so much, there is literally no end to differenciation — so maybe you’re good at illustrations, maybe you’re good at writing, maybe you’re great at treating people like they’re people — there’s a nook, cranny, corner & niche for everyone — you just might not find yours TONIGHT or TOMORROW, but paraphrasing the new radicals, “you gotta give to get” here.

4. Finding your nook, corner, niche, tribe.

In simple words — do things YOU like to do.
Don’t stress so much about needing to find an “audience” that you forget to have fun, that’s purely the magic of not having to run a business off of your own personal twitter.
Whether this means sharing the music you love, or writing about what your favourite musicians love, or diving down the rabbithole of people who write about psychological triggers in marketing, the niches are endless — but go looking for them.
If you cant find them, I’ll drop a list of some of my favourite creators at the end of this, and maybe that’ll help?

5. Help/Aid someone.

That’s human speak for what we call “Adding Value” in twitter speak, but essentially you want to be saying something that people might derive some kind of value from — there are more than ENOUGH creators who do this on the platform.
Sometimes this might even be different aspects of the same topic, other times it might just be adding to someone else’s content.
Maybe you noticed something or a connection only a small subset of that tweet’s audience might’ve, but what’s stopping you from sharing that?
There is absolutely 0 reason for something like your own opinion to limit you this way.


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so the tl;dr version is simply:
find some cool interests, and respond to them like they were your friend — and then try & decode why their content is interesting & then learn to make it like them.

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Trust me when I say, this is by no means exhaustive in absolutely any way, but hey! if it helps you get active on the platform at all — that’s a problem solved that I was hoping for.

Those are I think the 6 main tips to Twitter tbh — but if you find you need to learn how to navigate twitter, you’re in luck! Click through!

And if you’re looking for some of my favourite creators on the platform, you’re in EXTRA luck there too. Here’s a list.

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Thank you for reading thus far, this is part of a series to help me build a writing habit, so if you want to send me feedback go for it.

but WIP stands for: Writing in Public.



Nicaia Dsouza

going to try and do this writing thing, see where i land up